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of Zimmer Group

Zimmer Group – handling solutions for all areas of e-mobility

With energy and environmental impacts being at the top list of major global challenges, focus has been increasingly directed towards electric vehicles and e-mobility. Reducing CO2 emissions is more important today than ever before. That is why the Zimmer Group has made it its business as a development and system partner to create handling solutions for all areas of electromobility with more than 50.000 hours of engineering expertise since 2014.

From battery cell to electric motor

With electric vehicles already being a reality on our streets, current research mainly focuses on increasing battery performance and reducing charging time. On that regard, the economic production of battery cells and packages in particular is an important factor in ensuring that the e-mobility market can grow successfully. For this purpose, a high degree of automation is absolutely critical – as it already exists in todays motor production. As a development and system partner, Zimmer Group focuses on battery production, module assembly and electric motor production side on side with premium and systems manufacturers.

Your partner in system solutions

With an extensive product range and a variety of flexible gripper systems, the Zimmer Group supports system integrators in the implementation of advanced manufacturing systems - thanks to 30 years of project business experience in the automotive environment. In addition to E-mobility, the focus is on mobility, consumer goods, automation and logistics.  No matter the market your company is specialized in, if you're a local supplier or global player focusing on worldwide supply chains and no matter the technical challenge: Zimmer Group is your competent partner and develops the right solution together with you. A selection of standardized EOAT as well as further project references can be found online via Mobility - Zimmer Group (

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Zimmer Group US, Inc.

1095 6th Street Ct SE

Hickory, NC 28602