acers meeting highlights

Sustainability guides discussion at Ceramics Expo 2024

For the second year in a row, Ceramics Expo was held at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi, Mich., April 30–May 1, 2024. While key sectors such as automotive, aerospace, and energy were touched on frequently during the talks, one highlight was the in-depth exploration of thermal management solutions. Read all highlights from this meeting.

Sustainability guides discussion at Ceramics Expo 2024

For the second year in a row, Ceramics Expo was held at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi, Mich., April 30–May 1, 2024. While key sectors such as automotive, aerospace, and energy were touched on frequently during the talks, one highlight was the in-depth exploration of thermal management solutions. Read all highlights from this meeting.

Cutting-edge glass advancements light up GOMD 2024 in Las Vegas

TThe 2024 Glass & Optical Materials Division Annual Meeting was held in the dazzling lights of Las Vegas, Nev., from May 19–23. The event saw a robust turnout with 311 attendees, including 71 students, representing 22 countries. It also witnessed the launch of the new ACerS Conference Mentor Program, which aims to connect first-time conference attendees with experienced individuals who have frequently attended past ACerS events. Read all highlights from this meeting.



Cutting-edge glass advancements light up GOMD 2024 in Las Vegas

The 2024 Glass & Optical Materials Division Annual Meeting was held in the dazzling lights of Las Vegas, Nev., from May 19–23. The event saw a robust turnout with 311 attendees, including 71 students, representing 22 countries. It also witnessed the launch of the new ACerS Conference Mentor Program, which aims to connect first-time conference attendees with experienced individuals who have frequently attended past ACerS events. Read all highlights from this meeting.