ACerS Bulletin Logo

Editorial and Production

Eileen De Guire, Editor

Lisa McDonald, Associate Managing Editor

Michelle Martin, Production Editor

Tess Speakman, Graphic Designer

Additional Ceramic & Glass Manufacturing Staff:

David Holthaus, Content Editor

Kerry Burgdorfer, Graphic Designer

Editorial Advisory Board

Scott Cooper, Owens-Illinois

Yakup Gönüllü, Schott AG

Krista Carlson, University of Nevada, Reno

Junichi Tatami, Yokohama National University

Henry Colorado, Universidad de Antioquia

Scott McCormack, University of California, Davis

Customer Service/Circulation

Ph: 866-721-3322
Fax: 614-899-6109

Advertising Sales

National Sales

Mona Thiel, National Sales Director

Ph: 614-794-5834

Pam Wilson, Advertising Assistant
Ph: 614-794-5826

Executive Staff

Mark Mecklenborg, Executive Director and Publisher

Eileen De Guire, Director of Technical Content and Communications

Amanda Engen, Director of Communications and Workforce Development

Marcus Fish, Director of Development and Industry Relations
Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation

Michael Johnson, Chief Financial Officer and Operations Director

Andrea Ross, Director of Meetings, Membership and Marketing

Erica Zimmerman, Executive Office Manager


Rajendra Bordia, President

Monica Ferraris, President-elect

Sanjay Mathur, Past President

Daniel Tipsord, Treasurer

Mark Mecklenborg, Secretary

Board of Directors

Kristin Breder, Director 2021–2024

Olivia Graeve, Director 2021–2024

Shibin Jiang, Director 2021–2024

Joseph Cesarano, Director 2022–2025

Marissa Reigel, Director 2022–2025

Winnie Wong-Ng, Director 2022–2025

Alexandra Navrotsky, Director 2023–2026

Dileep Singh, Director 2023–2026

Todd Steyer, Director 2023–2026

Stephen Freiman, Parliamentarian

American Ceramic Society Bulletin covers news and activities of the Society and its members, includes items of interest to the ceramics community, and provides the most current information concerning all aspects of ceramic technology, including R&D, manufacturing, engineering, and marketing. The American Ceramic Society is not responsible for the accuracy of information in the editorial, articles, and advertising sections of this publication. Readers should independently evaluate the accuracy of any statement in the editorial, articles, and advertising sections of this publication. American Ceramic Society Bulletin (ISSN No. 0002-7812). ©2023. Printed in the United States of America. ACerS Bulletin is published monthly, except for February, July, and November, as a “dual-media” magazine in print and electronic formats (
ACSBA7, Vol. 102, No. 8. All feature articles are covered in Current Contents.

Editorial and Subscription Offices: 550 Polaris Parkway, Suite 510, Westerville, OH 43082-7045. Subscription included with The American Ceramic Society membership. Nonmember print subscription rates, including online access: United States and Canada, 1 year $135; international, 1 year $150.* Rates include shipping charges. International Remail Service is standard outside of the United States and Canada.
*International nonmembers also may elect to receive an electronic-only, email delivery subscription for $100.

Single issues, January–December: member $6 per issue; nonmember $15 per issue.
Postage/handling for single issues: United States and Canada, $3 per item; United States and Canada Expedited (UPS 2nd day air), $8 per item; International Standard, $6 per item.

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