letter to the editor

Setting a course for change: An invitation to the ‘Sustainable Horizons’ symposium at MS&T24

To the editor:

In a pivotal moment for our world, where decisions on sustainability and climate change resonate far beyond the immediate future, it is imperative to adopt a comprehensive strategy to address the intricate and interconnected challenges at hand. As scientists and engineers operating at the forefront of this global struggle, we bear the responsibility not only to advance technology and apply scientific knowledge but also to actively contribute as conscientious stewards of our planet for the well-being of future generations.

Our nontechnical symposium titled “Sustainable Horizons: A Symposium on Collective Action for a Resilient Future,” which will take place at ACerS Annual Meeting at MS&T in October 2024, strives to serve as a focal point for exploring effective ways in which our collective efforts, both as members of professional organizations and educators, can contribute to solutions.

Notably, a recently established consortium named the International Alliance of Societies for a Sustainable Future (SFS Alliance) has initiated collaborative efforts between several professional societies, including ACerS, to recognize, communicate, and actively work to counter the sustainability crisis. This symposium represents a significant stride in ACerS’ commitment to the SFS Alliance, which you can learn more about in the sidebar “SFS Alliance: Current activities and future plans.”

Unlike conventional technical programs, which highlight the latest technological advancements, this symposium is conceived as a dynamic forum. It provides a platform for individuals to exchange ideas, showcase initiatives, garner feedback from like-minded professionals, and gain insights into diverse approaches employed within institutions and professional societies, all geared toward advancing a sustainable future.

“As scientists and engineers operating at the forefront of this global struggle, we bear the responsibility not only to advance technology and apply scientific knowledge but also to actively contribute as conscientious stewards of our planet for the well-being of future generations.”

The inaugural symposium will focus on four main topics:

  1. Outreach to a broader audience: Discussing strategies to disseminate knowledge on sustainability to a broader audience, including K–12 educators and the general public.
  2. Socio-ecological transformation: Examining the societal and individual roles in driving socio-ecological transformation toward sustainability.
  3. Sustainability in the workplace: Exploring sustainable practices across diverse work environments, from industry settings to university and government laboratories.
  4. Other topics in the spirit of the broad approach: Encouraging presentations on a wide array of topics that align with the overarching theme of sustainability.

A list of presentations approved so far for the symposium can be found at https://bit.ly/SustainableHorizons2024.

By fostering dialogue and collaboration across these diverse topics, the symposium aims to be a catalyst for transformative change. Together, we endeavor to pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient future, recognizing that our collective actions today shape the legacy we leave for generations to come.

Rishabh Kundu,a Alp Sehirlioglu,b and Jürgen Rödela

a Institute of Materials Science, Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
b Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio

To learn more about the upcoming “Sustainable Horizons” symposium and how to participate, contact the authors: Rishabh Kundu, Alp Sehirlioglu, and Jürgen Rödel.


SFS Alliance: Current activities and future plans

The International Alliance of Societies for a Sustainable Future (SFS Alliance), formally established in December 2023, aims to recognize, communicate, and actively work to counter the sustainability crisis. To this end, the SFS Alliance has initiated collaborations with societies from both the materials and social science worlds, and it plans to extend these partnerships to include societies from the life sciences and natural sciences as well.

Current communications are facilitated through webinars, symposia hosted by the involved societies, and publications plus comments in various scientific journals. Recordings of past webinars can be found on the German Society for Materials Science YouTube webpage.

From July 2024, the SFS Alliance started conducting joint workshops with its partner societies to disseminate specific recommendations for sustainable business practices. These guidelines cover a range of topics, including the organization of more sustainable conferences, environmentally responsible travel practices, efficient operational strategies, and effective outreach communications. The recommendations soon will be made available on the alliance’s website.

Learn more about the SFS Alliance and how to get involved.