Letter from the CEO

IAPMO is more than just Uniform Codes

The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) is nearly a century-old organization known primarily for its development and publication of the Uniform Codes and its testing and certification of plumbing products. We certainly don’t shy away from those significant accomplishments.

That said, IAPMO is so much more than codes and certification. I’m proud to demonstrate a little more of our considerable expertise by sharing the following articles. As you’ll read, IAPMO provides industry leadership, consumer safety activism, environmental sustainability guidance and humanitarian relief through its myriad channels and partnerships.

We’re only scratching the surface of IAPMO’s capabilities and outreach in this special section and welcome the opportunity to share more in the future. Thank you for reading and learning about all IAPMO has to offer..

Dave Viola

Dave Viola