Food defense is the protection of food products, and therefore our food supply, from acts of intentional adulteration. Every team member has a role to play in their facility’s food defense program. Frontline workers, supervisors, plant managers, food safety managers, production managers, and more must fully understand how to detect, respond, and mitigate food defense threats in their facility. Zosi provides expert instruction for planning, crafting, executing and monitoring your food defense plan, as well as awareness-level training, blogs, white papers, and more for every employee.
Internal audits are your best defense against potential food safety incidents and a solid way to prepare for your next third-party inspection. No matter which program you’re auditing against,
Zosi can help your team build and implement a world-class auditing program. Our courses benefit all skill levels, whether you’re a rookie or a pro. Our editorial content helps educate all roles in your facility on what they need to know about acing the audit.
Understanding potential hazards in your facility keeps employees safe and healthy, minimizes loss of life, and decreases the risk of revenue loss. Reinforce your health and safety management with comprehensive resources on occupational health and safety (OHS), environmental health and safety (EHS), and more.
Zosi provides awareness-level workplace safety training for frontline workers, supervisors, managers, and enterprise leadership. Paired with a wealth of editorial content, we have everything you need to keep your people safe.
Everyone has a vital role to play in creating a workplace environment where every employee feels safe, comfortable, and motivated. When it comes to HR training, Zosi’s roster of courseware runs the gambit. Zosi offers workplace harassment prevention training, leadership courseware, anger management instruction, and more.
The Food Safety Modernization Act’s (FSMA) Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule requires every food manufacturing facility to employ a Preventive Controls Qualified Individual as part of their food safety team. This person is a key component to a company's food safety program, carrying out tasks like developing, implementing and reassessing a Food Safety Plan.
Zosi’s PCQI training courses break down federal regulations so that you not only ascertain how to comply with each standard but walk away with an appreciation for the value of PCQI responsibilities.
As environmentalism and a laser focus on food safety rise to global consciousness, consumers now demand sustainable practices from companies just like yours. Your words, values, and actions matter.
Zosi provides training facilitators with tools needed to encourage workers to practice everyday sustainability both within and outside of the workplace. Zosi provides leadership with countless resources to begin shaping or improving sustainability practices in terms of production.
Food defense is the protection of food products, and therefore our food supply, from acts of intentional adulteration. Every team member has a role to play in their facility’s food defense program. Frontline workers, supervisors, plant managers, food safety managers, production managers, and more must fully understand how to detect, respond, and mitigate food defense threats in their facility. Zosi provides expert instruction for planning, crafting, executing and monitoring your food defense plan, as well as awareness-level training, blogs, white papers, and more for every employee.
Internal audits are your best defense against potential food safety incidents and a solid way to prepare for your next third-party inspection. No matter which program you’re auditing against,
Zosi can help your team build and implement a world-class auditing program. Our courses benefit all skill levels, whether you’re a rookie or a pro. Our editorial content helps educate all roles in your facility on what they need to know about acing the audit.
Understanding potential hazards in your facility keeps employees safe and healthy, minimizes loss of life, and decreases the risk of revenue loss. Reinforce your health and safety management with comprehensive resources on occupational health and safety (OHS), environmental health and safety (EHS), and more.
Zosi provides awareness-level workplace safety training for frontline workers, supervisors, managers, and enterprise leadership. Paired with a wealth of editorial content, we have everything you need to keep your people safe.
Everyone has a vital role to play in creating a workplace environment where every employee feels safe, comfortable, and motivated. When it comes to HR training, Zosi’s roster of courseware runs the gambit. Zosi offers workplace harassment prevention training, leadership courseware, anger management instruction, and more.
The Food Safety Modernization Act’s (FSMA) Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule requires every food manufacturing facility to employ a Preventive Controls Qualified Individual as part of their food safety team. This person is a key component to a company's food safety program, carrying out tasks like developing, implementing and reassessing a Food Safety Plan.
Zosi’s PCQI training courses break down federal regulations so that you not only ascertain how to comply with each standard but walk away with an appreciation for the value of PCQI responsibilities.
As environmentalism and a laser focus on food safety rise to global consciousness, consumers now demand sustainable practices from companies just like yours. Your words, values, and actions matter.
Zosi provides training facilitators with tools needed to encourage workers to practice everyday sustainability both within and outside of the workplace. Zosi provides leadership with countless resources to begin shaping or improving sustainability practices in terms of production.
Zosi’s essential training guide provides an accessible, logical, and proven route to food safety success. With it, professionals across production understand which online courses they should take, what order to complete them in, and why they’re essential.
100% Online
No Minimums
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Learn anytime,
Zosi's new learning platform puts user-experience at the forefront of design
Reduces the cost of travel and time off-site
Train individuals or entire teams