Tips for designing a well-being-focused bathroom

How color, lighting, safety and sustainability impact bathroom serenity.

By Martha Orellana

Designer: Marbé Briceno, Marbé Designs

As stress levels persist in the U.S., the importance of designing spaces prioritizing well-being has never been more critical. The home is a safe space to unwind from the day's stresses, so it’s no surprise that homeowners are willing to invest more in design options that optimize their well-being and healthy lifestyles.

The bathroom is the heart of well-being in the home, not unlike how ancient bathhouses were a ritual for unwinding and rejuvenating for the Greeks and Romans thousands of years ago.

Bath and kitchen professionals have the perfect opportunity to encourage their clients to transform their bathroom into a calming oasis that nourishes the body, mind and soul from stress.

Communication Device, Gesture, Finger, Gadget
MrSteam's iSteamX combines WI-FI connectivity with unparalleled control over all features of the steam shower experience.

But first, there’s a specific process involved in creating a space that fosters well-being.

“When incorporating well-being into a client’s home design, you must first ask what helps them feel good,” said Arianne Bellizaire, CEO, Arianne Bellizaire Interiors.

For example, it's essential to encourage homeowners to assess their health and well-being goals, whether it is reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, or soothing joints and muscles after a workout. These well-being preferences will inform the design.

Once personal health and well-being goals are identified, professionals should counsel homeowners on the following key factors to consider when designing for a more content and comfortable experience.

Interior design, Property, Furniture, Building, Plant, Houseplant, Window, Fixture, Wood, Shade
Designer: Marbé Briceno, Marbé Designs

The Power of Color

Color is one of the most critical aspects of design because it evokes different emotional and physiological responses that significantly impact well-being.

As neutral colors create a calming atmosphere, “your primary bathroom sanctuary should use soothing shades like sand, cream, white, gray, pale blues, and warm wood tones,” according to Pulp Design Studios’ co-founders and interior designers Beth Dotolo and Carolina V. Gentry. “These organic and natural colors are also soothing because they remind us of beautiful outdoor destinations like the beach or a mountain retreat.”

Impactful Lighting

Lighting plays a vital role in the home because it directly affects mood and emotions, according to Laura Muller, principal interior designer and owner of Four Point Design Build, Inc. Muller cites research showing a proper lighting plan can improve sleep, mental and physical health, well-being, and energy levels.

Michele Alfano, owner of Michele Alfano Design and specialist in warm, modern interior architectural design, recommends dimmer switches and adjustable fixtures that allow the client to customize the lighting and create a desired ambiance.

"Mood lighting will create the perfect environment to relax in the shower or bath," said Leah Heinsius, owner, KBL Kitchen & Bath Designs. "Elegant, vapor-sealed LED mood lighting lets you choose among colors to find your center, relax, and elevate your senses."

Plumbing fixture, Interior design, Property, Building, Bathroom, Architecture, Flooring, Floor, Wall
Designer: Arianne Bellizaire, Arianne Bellizaire Interiors

The Serenity of a Steam Shower

Despite the long history of steam therapy, many residential designers cite that homeowners don’t always understand the multitude of health benefits of incorporating steam in their new bathroom. For example, steam relieves stress, encourages relaxation, promotes increased blood circulation, and helps to support cardiovascular health.

“Aromatherapy can be added to a steam shower as well as chromatherapy,” said Shea Pumarejo, interior designer and CEO, Younique Designs. “Eucalyptus oils, in conjunction with steam, are a great way to promote optimal breathing, and lavender oil can help you relax and unwind before bed.”

Adding a steam shower, such as MrSteam--a brand with more than 60 years of experience in steam showers--demonstrates a smart investment for long-term home value and sustainability. Steam showers can increase the value of a home by as much as 31%. In addition, they are a wise use of square footage since they can be built within the space of a walk-in shower.

Interior design, Purple, Table, Floor, Flooring, Wall
Lighting plays a huge role in the home because it directly affects mood and emotions. Design by Lori Gilder Interior Makeovers

Sustainable Design for Well-Being…and the Planet

More than 50% of U.S. adults say sustainability is a dream home requirement. Bathrooms, however, according to Bellizaire, use “a lot of energy and resources and can add to the strain of our current environmental crisis.”

Steam showers use only about two gallons of water for a 20-minute steam session, whereas a 20-minute bath using a traditional whirlpool or soaking tub can use 80 gallons of water! In addition, steam showers consume less water than a regular shower or bath, requiring less energy to heat. That's why a home steam shower is a sustainable choice to reduce energy bills versus taking long showers or baths to unwind.

Safe Spaces for All Ages

Bathroom safety is essential for the entire household, but even more so as we age.

“When I design a bathroom, safety is always a top consideration. I want my clients to enjoy their homes and find comfort in every room, regardless of their unique needs,” said Heinsius. “Access to grab bars in the bathroom helps those with mobility issues feel safe when entering or exiting the shower or bathtub and for sitting and standing.”

Non-slip floors are crucial. Bellizaire uses “a more matted or honed finish on floor tile to prevent slipping.” Bellizaire also pays attention to entry points in and out of the tub or shower because this area could cause injury.

"Thermostatic safety settings in both the water heater settings AND in the valves,” Muller added.

For comfort and safety, Marbé Briceno, owner, Marbe Designs considers the placement and height of the cabinets and “always recommends drawers over doors since they are more comfortable to use.”

Designing a bathroom for well-being is a significant investment in one’s overall quality of life. The benefits extend beyond just physical appearance and will positively impact the homeowner’s health and happiness.

Martha Orellana is the Vice President of MrSteam.
Photos courtesy of MrSteam.