September 2024 • Vol. 103, No. 7
feature articles
Announcing ACerS Awards of 2024
The Society will honor members and corporations at the Annual Honors and Awards Banquet during the 126th ACerS Annual Meeting in October 2024 to recognize significant contributions to the engineered ceramic and glass field.
Glass waste solutions: Current trends, emerging markets, and new technologies
Glass recycling is often hampered by diverse factors, but understanding the flow of waste glass can help with identifying solutions to address the current challenges.
by Collin Wilkinson, Arron Potter, and Gabrielle Gaustad
Sequestering carbon in clay products: An approach to net-zero and net-negative ceramics
This article explores a novel approach the ceramics community can take to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions: sequester carbon in clay products.
by Brian P. Gorman, Jim Welte, David Nowacek, and Alexis Sitchler
DOE provides targeted technical assistance for manufacturers pursuing energy and resource efficiency
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office offers a range of technical assistance and workforce development resources that can support glass and ceramics manufacturers today.
Contributed by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office
Investing in the future: Practices for ensuring environmentally friendly and cost-effective manufacturing
Every industry and every company has its own environmental challenges. This article features the perspectives of three companies that collaborate with ceramics and glass industries to learn how they work to ensure current needs are being met without compromising the ability to meet future demand.
by David Holthaus

Imerys on its way to reduce CO2 emissions through biomass waste consumption in Georgia
Five years ago, multinational group Imerys S.A. embarked on a journey at its Andersonville plant in Georgia to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This article provides the current status and future outlook for this project.
by Nancy Bunt

Alfred University glass scientists pursue a method to reuse wine bottles
Glass scientists at Alfred University in New York, in partnership with New York state and consulting company Vitricity (Madison, Wis.), are studying ways to wash and reuse wine bottles.
by Mark Whitehouse

Setting a course for change: An invitation to the ‘Sustainable Horizons’ symposium at MS&T24 • by Rishabh Kundu, Alp Sehirlioglu, and Jürgen Rödel
Global markets for environmental remediation technologies • by BCC Publishing Staff
Magnetic separation using nanoparticles: Prospects in nuclear waste management • by Nabil Ashraf Shuvo
Calendar & upcoming dates:
ACerS Annual Meeting at MS&T24, ICACC 2025, EMA 2025, and PACRIM16 with GOMD 2025