September 2023 • Vol. 102, No. 7
feature articles
Propelling GaN electronics adoption: An interview with QROMIS
In an interview, QROMIS co-founder, president, and CEO Cem Basceri describes the current state of the gallium-nitride-based device market and the work that QROMIS is doing to solve the remaining challenges limiting widespread GaN adoption.
by Eileen De Guire
Announcing ACerS Awards of 2023
The Society will honor members and corporations at the Annual Honors and Awards Banquet during the 125th Annual Meeting in October to recognize significant contributions to the engineered ceramic and glass field.
Ceramic matrix composites: Is the future here yet?
Though ceramic matrix composites have been tested, adopted, and put into commercial use in many areas, the technology is still considered to be in an early stage of development. Promising research is underway that is expected to lead to broader application in a range of industries.
by David Holthaus

Oak Ridge National Laboratory-led program supported R&D of first widely deployed CMC product
More than a quarter-century ago, the U.S. Department of Energy began a program to support U.S. development of ceramic matrix composite materials. Dawn Levy at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provides an overview of this history.
by Dawn Levy, senior science writer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Letter to the editor
Evidence-based sustainable development and circularity of materials • by Rishabh Kundu, Marc Widenmeyer, Vanessa Zeller, Emanuel Ionescu, and Anke Weidenkaffa
Global markets for 5G technologies • by BCC Publishing Staff
Deciphering the Discipline
Ceramics for antennas in next-gen wireless communication networks • by Matthew Julian
ACerS Annual Meeting at MS&T23, ICACC 2024, EMA 2024, PACC-FMAs 2024, and GOMD 2024
ACerS Annual Meeting at MS&T23, ICACC 2024, EMA 2024, PACC-FMAs 2024, and GOMD 2024
on the cover
Closeup of a 200-mm 650 V, E-Mode GaN-on-QST monolithic power IC device wafer. Credit: QROMIS